WE HAVE LIVE & BOILED CRAWFISH!! BOILED CRAWFISH AVAILABLE SATURDAY'S 12PM-5PM ~ PRE-ORDER NOW!! LIVE CRAWFISH AVAILABLE SATURDAY'S 8AM-5PM ~ PRE-ORDER NOW!! Regular store hours 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm Monday thru Saturday - Closed Sunday Thanks for dropping by.

Creamy Italian White Balsamic Dressing

Creamy Italian White Balsamic Dressing

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$ 9.95
Sale price
$ 9.95
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The mild and sweet taste of white balsamic dressing adds richness to our Creamy Italian White Balsamic Dressing. This dressing is sure to become a pantry staple. Use in pasta salads, or as a dip for finger foods and crudite. 

Gluten-Free You will receive a 12 Glass Bottle.

Cooking instructions are not available at this time. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Nutritional facts are not available at this time. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Creamy Italian White Balsamic Dressing
$ 9.95