WE HAVE LIVE & BOILED CRAWFISH!! BOILED CRAWFISH AVAILABLE SATURDAY'S 12PM-5PM ~ PRE-ORDER NOW!! LIVE CRAWFISH AVAILABLE SATURDAY'S 8AM-5PM ~ PRE-ORDER NOW!! Regular store hours 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm Monday thru Saturday - Closed Sunday Thanks for dropping by.


DotCom Magazine Entrepreneur Spotlight Series

Billy Howell, Founder, The Cajun Turkey Company, A DotCom Magazine Exclusive Interview


See How We Prepare and Serve Our Cajun Fried Turkey 

How To Fry Your Own Turkey

Road Tasted: Preparing a Tur-Duc-Hen

See Billy and Bobby Deen prepare a Tur-Duc-Hen and a complete Holiday Meal.

"Bold, Cajun-Spiced Country Anthem for the Cajun Turkey Company"


Did you know this about the cajun Turkey Co. ?
We have been a Food Supplier to Neiman Marcus for over 20 years
We Have been Nieman Marcus's number 1 Food Supplier For more than 5 years ... Up to 85 items in their Holiday Gift Catalog.
Our Spicy Cajun Fried Turkey was voted Best Turkey in Dallas by the Dallas Observer
Our Spicy Cajun Fried Turkey can be found at all Central Market locations all over Texas
Our Cajun Fried Turkey is the # 1 selling Turkey in the Nieman Marcus holiday catalog for the last 10 years
The Cajun Turkey Co. was featured on an episode of "FOOD FINDS" on the Food Network
The Cajun Turkey Co. was featured on ABC's Susie Homemaker
The Cajun Turkey Co. was featured on an episode on ABC's hit show "THE CHEW"
The Cajun Turkey Co. was featured on an episode of "ROAD TASTED" with Bobby Deen.
The Cajun Turkey Co. has been featured on an episode of ABC's local show... "GOOD MORNING TEXAS"
But.... What we are the most proud of is, the 100,000 to 105,000 customers we had been able to feed and help during the Holidays for last 23 years!!
Thank you for allowing us to come into your home!!