WE HAVE LIVE & BOILED CRAWFISH!! BOILED CRAWFISH AVAILABLE SATURDAY'S 12PM-5PM ~ PRE-ORDER NOW!! LIVE CRAWFISH AVAILABLE SATURDAY'S 8AM-5PM ~ PRE-ORDER NOW!! Regular store hours 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm Monday thru Saturday - Closed Sunday Thanks for dropping by.

Buy Wholesale Cajun Turkeys

For over 30 years, The Cajun Turkey Company has been known for authentic Cajun deep-fried turkey perfection, trusted by renowned brands like Neiman Marcus, Williams-Sonoma, GoldBelly, and Central Market.

Our signature Cajun turkey is infused with our secret Geaux Juice recipe, deep-fried in peanut oil, and then vacuum-sealed and flash-frozen, ensuring a shelf life of up to two years at -10 degrees. Preparation is simple: just thaw, warm in the oven for 1 to 1.5 hours, and enjoy!

We offer:

  • Spicy Cajun Fried Turkeys (9-11 lbs)
  • Lightly Seasoned Cajun Turkeys
  • Herb-Roasted Turkeys with sage, rosemary, and thyme
  • Hickory-Smoked Turkeys for a classic smoky flavor

For more information, contact Billy Howell at BillyH@CajunTurkeyCo.com.

Fill out the form below to get more information about our wholesale.

For more information on wholesale products, you can reach out directly to BillyH@CajunTurkeyCo.com.
