WE HAVE LIVE & BOILED CRAWFISH!! BOILED CRAWFISH AVAILABLE SATURDAY'S 12PM-5PM ~ PRE-ORDER NOW!! LIVE CRAWFISH AVAILABLE SATURDAY'S 8AM-5PM ~ PRE-ORDER NOW!! Regular store hours 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm Monday thru Saturday - Closed Sunday Thanks for dropping by.

Refunds & Returns

We take pride in the quality and grade of our meats and seafoods.

· Our selections are of the highest quality and you will not be disappointed!

We are committed to have your products arrive in a wholesome condition.

· Your order will arrive from The Cajun Turkey Company either frozen or chilled based on the delivery method you choose.

· You must refrigerate or refreeze products immediately upon delivery.

· We utilize FedEx and UPS shipping options and follow their shipping guidelines for conditions and restrictions.

We work hard to ensure that your order is picked and shipped accurately.

· You have our word of honor that you will receive what you order.

· If an item is out of stock, we will notify you and give you the opportunity to substitute or we will refund the cost of the item.

· Should we accidentally leave something out or give you something not ordered, we will make it right!

We ask that you notify us of problems by the next business day.

· Order must be inspected upon arrival.

· Do not return any product without first contacting Customer Care. We do not accept returns.

· We reserve the right to fully investigate claims that could possibly be unfounded or fraudulent.

· No refunds will be issued if we are not notified by the next business day.

Please contact us by phone at 972-318-0307 or email at customercare@cajunturkeyco.com